30th Anniversary National Trails Day Set for June 4
June 1, 2022
There’s something magical about being outdoors. Fresh air, birds singing, moving along a trail or even just around the block – there’s nothing quite like it. But today, those trails and public spaces are in dire need of help —and not everyone has access to these places that can calm and inspire. National Trails Day® is the perfect opportunity to get out there with the people you love, give back to the trails that bring us together, and make sure no one is left out.
The American Hiking Association continues to work hard to promote responsible access to our nation’s hiking spaces and this Saturday, June 4, you can connect with people near you who share your love of being outside. Build your local community and join the nationwide movement to give back to the trails and make sure everyone can enjoy the outdoors.
So what is National Trails Day? Each year, NTD takes place on the first Saturday in June and has become National Trails Day® which is a day of public events aimed at advocacy and trail service. Thousands of hikers, bikers, rowers, horseback riders, trail clubs, federal and local agencies, land trusts, and businesses come together in partnership to advocate for, maintain, and clean up public lands and trails. OutdoorX4 Magazine is proud to support this effort, and we encourage adventurists everywhere to get out this Saturday and responsibly enjoy the spaces you like to explore. Help teach those who are new to trails everywhere about Leave No Trace and Tread Lightly! principles so that future generations can enjoy these areas for years to come.
Learn more about The American Hiking Association and National Trails Day by visiting their website by clicking or tapping HERE.
OutdoorX4 Magazine – Promoting responsible vehicle-based adventure travel and outdoors adventure