MONTANE Yukon Arctic Ultra Race Set for February 2020

January 7, 2020

Since 2003, the MONTANE® Yukon Arctic Ultra (MYAU) has been held every February along the Yukon Quest Trail – the route of the world’s toughest Sled Dog Race. A cumulative total of nearly 900 hardy souls have toed the start line in Whitehorse next to the Yukon River to cover their choice of four distances along this brutally cold and challenging trail, with marathon, 100 and 300. Every second year there is also a 430 distance, which is the case again in 2021. In 2020 an expected 65 athletes from 16 countries will compete, with more than half signed up for the 300-mile race.

“Once again we have an amazing race roster with great athletes from all over the world,” said Robert Pollhammer, MYAU race director. “It’s a perfect mixture between veterans, newcomers and athletes returning to finish unfinished business. As always, I keep my fingers crossed that they all reach their respective goals.”

Photo by Mark Kelly

During the race, competitors are expected to be totally self-sufficient, towing food and shelter behind them in heavily laden sleds called ‘pulks’ and melting snow to provide water. Snowshoes, skis and even fatbikes are used to traverse the deep snow-ridden trail. Night temperatures can reach as low as -50°c, which when coupled with windchill and sheer physical exhaustion can be not just challenging, but extremely dangerous. Situations which under normal circumstances would be inconsequential can become absolutely life-threatening.

Photo by Mark Kelly

This is why for newcomers there are training courses available immediately before the race, in the terrain and conditions that will be experienced on the course. The belief is that by attending such courses and fine-tuning skills and race systems, competitors will increase their chances of enjoying a safe and successful race. Extreme cold is a major danger, with temperatures often reaching below -50 °C.

Photo by Mark Kelly

“I have the utmost respect for the competitors who take part in the MYAU,” added Matt Hickman, Global Marketing Manager with Montane. “Their passion and drive are what propels us as a brand, and it’s also a perfect testing ground for our kit.”

• The first MYAU took place in 2003. 2020 is the 17th edition with currently 61 athletes on the race roster
• It is billed as the world’s coldest and toughest ultra
• Disciplines are foot, mountain bike and xc-ski; by far the most popular discipline is foot (on average more than 90% of the athletes are runners)
• Distances are marathon, 100, 300 and 430 (every two years) miles
• The race takes place on the Yukon Quest trail – billed as the world’s toughest sled dog race
• 891 participants so far (including 2019)
• 41 nations have been represented (most represented nations are Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, USA, Denmark – in that order)
• Starts in Whitehorse, capital of the Yukon Territory, Canada
• It is a non-stop race (i.e. not a stage race)
• Lowest recorded cold temperature close to – 60 degrees C
• We have also had one of the coldest marathons that was ever run (temperatures at the start of – 41 degrees C) – however, our marathon distance is not certified
• Distances between checkpoints vary from 26 to 44 miles

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