Outdoor Retailer 2019
From June 18-20, Denver, CO played host to the outdoor industry’s biggest event of the year, the Summer Outdoor Retailer convention. The show is mainly a place for retail buyers and media insiders to get a look at the latest and greatest products from brands such as The North Face, Mountain Hardwear, and Adidas. And while it isn’t open to the public, it does give us a sense of the trends we can expect to see driving the outdoor gear market in the weeks and years to come.
The biggest of those trends is without a doubt the move toward more eco-friendly, sustainable gear. Nearly ever company at the show had an environmental story to share, whether that meant using recycled fabrics and other materials in the construction of its products or finding new ways to refine the manufacturing process to be more environmentally responsible. In many cases, it was a combination of both approaches, resulting in some of the best gear we’ve seen in a long time, that also happens to be good for the planet too.
There were so many products on display at Outdoor Retailer that it was hard for some of the companies to stand out from the crowd. Still, there were more than a few new pieces of gear that caught our eye. For instance, Merrell introduced a new jacket called the Whisper Rain that was unlike any rain shell that we’ve seen before. What sets it apart from the competition is that it looks and feels like a soft sweatshirt, and yet it is fully waterproof at the same time. Gone are the noisy technical fabrics that can be distracting while in the backcountry. Instead, they’re replaced with materials that are somehow incredibly soft, but can shed water too.
Other standouts included the Caldera Collection of luggage from Eagle Creek, which is made from lightweight, recycled materials and comes in a variety of sizes. Hidden away inside the luggage however is an NFC chip that when paired with your phone is able to not just track your travel distances, but upload that information to an online leaderboard. Frequent travelers can earn rewards based on their active participation and the destinations that they visit. Best of all, Eagle Creek will even create carbon offsets that will cover the travel, reducing our impact on the planet as a result.
The Rivian R1T electric pick-up truck made its Outdoor Retailer debut to much acclaim. For most attendees it was their first chance to see the truck in person and most came away very impressed. The truck is definitely being marketed towards the outdoor crowd, and as such its best adventure-focused features were on display. The R1T’s “gear tunnel” was a big hit with those on dropped by the Rivian booth, providing a unique way to haul our outdoor gear in a safe and secure fashion. Inside, the truck wowed with its luxury interior, high-tech features, and attention to detail. Company engineers indicate the Ri1 is still on track for a late 2020 release, although manufacturing hasn’t begun to ramp up just yet.
We could spend an entire issue of OutdoorX4 focusing just on all of the new gear that was revealed at the show. For instance, Nemo had a fantastic new tent that is built to be lightweight and comfortable, while Goal Zero showed off a range of new products to keep your gadgets charged while on the go. Tecnica brought its custom made footwear system to the trail running market as well, while Matador had numerous new products designed to make a traveler’s life easier while on the road. There were countless backpacks, sleeping bags, hiking boots, and other items to sift through, some of which will bring impressive performance gains, while others will simply be an afterthought in the crowded outdoor gear market.
After spending a few days in Denver covering the show, one thing is for certain; we’re living in a great time for outdoor enthusiasts, overlanders, and adventurers. There has never been so much good gear to choose from at such reasonable prices and amazing levels of performance. Not only does the gear we use continue to get better, it is more accessible, durable, and comfortable than ever before.
Expect that trend to continue when the gear that was on display at Summer OR begins to hit store shelves in the spring of 2020.
OutdoorX4 Magazine – Promoting responsible vehicle-based adventure travel and outdoors adventure